The aim of this project for the salvage and valorisation of the historical testimony of the Great War is extremely ambitious. The historical and cultural importance of the events of which traces can still be seen in the territory of Sesto di Pusteria requires close national and international collaboration in the light of a shared and common history.
The project thus aims to create a wide network of collaboration among bodies, institutions and associations from Italy, Austria, Germany and all countries that were part of the Austro-Hungarian Empire and that have an interest in the conservation of these memories.
The current partners in the initiative are the following:
The local council of Sesto
The local council of Sesto di Pusteria is the promoter of the aims of the project, and is deeply involved in the creation of the historical archieve and in the project to salvage the Mitterberg Fort.
Comando Truppe Alpine (Alpine Troops Command)
The history of the Croda Rossa is also the history of the glorious Alpini Corps, whose fantastic deeds are impressed on the mountain. The Comando Truppe Alpine has in the past been particularly involved in similar initiatives of historical salvage in the Dolomites.
Historical Institute of the University of Innsbruck
An intense dialogue is in progress with Professor Brigitte Mazohl, Director of the Historical Institute, and with her colleagues. A search for documents is already ongoing in Innsbruck and in Vienna.
Alt-Kaiserjägerclub Innsbruck
The history of the events on the Croda Rossa is the history of the glorious Kaiserjaeger Corps, the tradition and the memory of whose heroic deeds and incredible feats are conserved by the Alt-Kaiserjaegerclub of Innsbruck.
Società Storica Guerra Bianca
(Historical Society of the „White War“)
The history of the Croda Rossa is also the history of the socalled „White War“, man’s challenge to the mountain, the altitude, the snow and the cold. The Società Storica Guerra Bianca, based in Milano, in engaged in historical research into the events linked to the war in the mountain.
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